A current bedsit in Oldham town centre has been given the green light to expand.

In August 2021, plans to transform two floors of a former vacant bank on Yorkshire Street into six bedsits were approved.

The space comprises two flats and four studios, each self-contained containing a bed, kitchen and living area, plus a separate toilet/shower room.

In November last year, the applicant then sought to expand the existing bedsits - from six to eight - by modifying parts of the building to make way for the two extra beds.

The floor plans of the development suggest the additional rooms have been created by scrapping an office, a laundry room and a stairwell. 

The applicant has also proposed an alteration to the property by creating a new doorway facing Retiro Street, but there will be no additional vehicle or cycle parking spaces.

Each bedsit is also earmarked for 'market housing', meaning housing generated by the real estate market as opposed to being social, affordable or immediate rent homes, a starter home or for affordable home ownership.

However, Oldham Council approved the expansion plans.

It found the former site to be a suitable location for residents, being just a 10-minute walk away from key services in the town centre.

While the plans to expand were approved by the Council on February 10 this year, work had already begun on creating the two new bedsits in September.

By October, the project was completed.

There were no public objections to the plans.