An air ambulance was spotted landing at an Oldham Tesco yesterday.

Resident Lara Beckett, who snapped the helicopter, said she was ‘panicked and worried’ when she saw the ambulance landing as she was concerned about the person the team had come to help.

She added that the ambulance appeared to be dropping off a surgeon and a doctor.

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The ambulance landed at around 6pm in the car park of Tesco Extra, on Huddersfield Road, to the east of the town centre.

North West Air Ambulance confirmed it was called out to an incident at 5.30pm on Wednesday.

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A North West Air Ambulance spokesperson said: “We can confirm that the North West Air Ambulance Charity was called to an incident in Oldham on the 27th of September, and H72 responded.

“That’s the only information we have at the moment.”

It’s the second time this month the air ambulance has been spotted over Oldham.

Earlier this month, the helicopter was snapped over Yorkshire Street in Oldham town centre.

A registered charity, the air ambulance does not receive funding by the government or the NHS, and is reliant on donations.

According to the organisation, it has to raise more than £12 million each year to keep attending incidents, of which it attended more than 2,500 last year.

Charity Commission data shows the organisation raised £11.2 million last year, of which around £4 million was from donations, and £7 million was from ‘other trading activities’.

More information will be added to this story as it comes in.