THE leader of Oldham council has been slammed after he described Saddleworth and Shaw representatives parish council’s as “self indulgent bodies that debated hot air”.

Cllr Sean Fielding made the jibe in a response to the leader of the Liberal Democrat opposition, Howard Sykes, who was calling for the full council to make the final decision on whether to adopt the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.

“I know the Liberal Democrats are fond of increasing layers of bureaucracy and bringing things to decision-making bodies that they don’t need to come to,” Cllr Fielding said.

“In the way that they championed the creation of parish councils in Saddleworth and Shaw and Crompton which collectively cost taxpayers across the borough an additional £260,000 a year for a self-indulgent exercise in allowing people to make hot air about issues that needn’t come to those bodies.”

Veteran councillor John Hudson, a former mayor and leader of the minority Conservative group is also a member of the Saddleworth Parish Council.

Responding to the remarks, he told the full council meeting: “I’ll speak as one of those poor people who has spent 40 odd years supporting the parish council and I’ve been wasting my time obviously.

“I look forward to May and what the Labour party will say in their leaflet in the parish council elections because it’s every four years and it’s due this year – I think somebody should have told the leader that.

“The people in 40 odd years have not been wasting their time with us — they’ve been seen to where Oldham council have often ignored them and I support parish councils.”

There were supportive shouts of "hear hear" from other Saddleworth councillors in the chamber.

Afterwards, Cllr Derek Heffernan, himself a former Mayor, and longtime member of Saddleworth Parish Council said: “The Leader’s remarks show his contempt for the principal of taking decision-making to the electorate.

“It upholds the superiority feeling of the two main parties: ‘We know best. We don't need your interference.’

“The Liberal Democrats have always promoted the inclusion of the electorate in local decision making.

“Where you have an electorate with political 'savvy' as in Saddleworth, it is better to use local knowledge to reach a solution.

“It is strange whenever we have had visits from the Leadership they have always remarked on the input from Parish Councillors into the debate.

“It has always amazed me in over 30 years they have not realised local people know more than distant experts.”

Cllr Graham Sheldon said: “I’m very disappointed by this off the cuff remark by Cllr Fielding.

“The parish council has invited the leader to explain how the parish works and to gain a better relationship with the borough. He would have been wise to visit the parish before making such a bland and negative statement.”

Cllr Garth Harkness said: “I think it’s insulting. Working together, pooling ideas is the way forward not insulting those who give up their time to make things better. That is proper democracy."

In a letter to the leader, Cllr Pam Byrne detailed Saddleworth Parish Council’s role and its standing in the community highlighting although they are democratically elected, councillors receive no remuneration or expenses for their work.

Saddleworth Parish Council chair Rob Knotts, and fellow councillor Neil Allsopp, have sent a strongly worded email to the leader.

They say: “In light of your perceived dislike of parish councils, perhaps Saddleworth should seek to break away from the borough and seek a more respectful and welcoming local government home.”

But extending an earlier invitation for the leader to visit Saddleworth, the note added: “Your recent statements merit an apology to Oldham’s parish councils.

“Furthermore, you face significant damage limitation effort to restore our confidence in your leadership. Let us hope that the damage can be overcome.”