A DYNAMIC group of ladies have launched into the New Year with a unique plan to provide the homeless with lovingly crafted handmade sleep mats.

The members of Dovestone WI who hold their Monday Meet Ups at Uppermill’s Reclamation Rooms have begun crocheting sleep mats out of discarded plastic carrier bags.

Initially they cut the bags into strips and then join together with slip knots to create ‘plarn’ - a plastic yarn.

The yarn is then crocheted to make 6ft x 2ft sleep mats, which will provide a waterproof insulated barrier between the ground and body.

Jessica Moreland, Dovestones WI president, enthused: “We a brilliant productive night at our first Monday Meet Up of 2020!

“Dozens and dozens of carrier bags which would have otherwise ended up in land fill began their journey to becoming something far more useful as sleep mats for people who are homeless.

“More than 20 massive balls of ‘plarn’ were made by our awesome ladies and with the help of lovely Emma Givvons, who lets us use the Reclamation Rooms for our projects - let crocheting commence!

“This will an ongoing project throughout the year, so anyone that wants to join in, feel free.”

"Our members have built a huge stockpile of plastic bags and once we have completed a stock pile of the completed mats , we will be giving them to Skullfades Foundation in Manchester.”

To find out more information on the project, contact Dovestone WI at: hello@dovestonewi.com

Infotmation on the Skullfades Foundation can be found at: