A HOST of golden daffodils is a tribute to the hard work by a dedicated group of volunteers from the Uppermill Community Action Network Project Days (UCAN).

Currently their working in the Huddersfield Narrow Canal is on hold following the government guidance regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier in the year UCAN volunteers planted more than 500 daffodil bulbs in various spots alongside the canal towpath. To ensure they grew healthy daffodils, the group selected a good range of planting sites for the bulbs planting some in partial shade or full sun and in moist but well-drained soil.

Said a spokesperson: “As the daffodils - the traditional yellow with six petals and a trumpet-shape central corona - are now in full bloom it is great to see our efforts have produced such a good display, we thought it would be rather nice to take a few pictures and to share them.

‘We don’t yet know how long it will be before we can resume our regular volunteering but we are sure there will be no shortage of enthusiasm when we are able to start to return to our normal canal-side activities again.”

UCAN organisers say they are always pleased to welcome new members and anyone interested in getting involved in our future voluntary work or for further information, contact Peter Killan on 01457 878361 or email peterkillan@hotmail.com