THE fact that fly tippers are a problem across Oldham and everywhere else in the UK doesn't make sense.

Why would these mindless idiots just drop their junk off to make problems worse for everybody.

They are a certain breed of people, they are in fact scumbags that have no respect for the law, for others and for nature.

Cameras should be placed on every street corner to stop these idiots although they will probably go further afield and dump the rubbish there.

If people can't pay for a skip or to have the rubbish taken away the council needs to stop charging for these things and do it as part of the amount we have to pay in council tax.

Surely our bins being emptied and the rubbish that is taken away should pay for our back alleys being littered with somebody else's junk.

It gets me so mad.

The flytippers will never change, sadly they are just mindless and really don't give a damn.

Fiona Longworth, Oldham.

I HAVE some advice for our council leader.

Why not open your tips for everyone not just some?

Don’t put a price on a business truck or a scrap truck or on a bigger car, let everyone and all use it and I think there may be a bit less of flytipping.

The way you and your council, going about it charging everyone and making money out of muck is a bit naughty on your half!

Sooo open the tips for all or just let Oldham and surrounding areas be left in a compete mess.

Audra J Stephenson.