EXCESSIVE weight can put our beloved dogs at a higher risk of developing arthritis and shortened life expectancy. Obesity also contributes to numerous health problems we see in dogs, such as breathing problems, back problems and even cancer. Keeping a watchful eye on your dog’s waistline will help to keep them happy and healthier for longer.

Sharing your roast dinners and leftover meal scraps with your furry friends might seem like a loving and caring idea, but this affectionate act can leave your dog getting heavier and heavier. There are plenty of ways to treat your dog but roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, and meat with gravy every Sunday afternoon isn’t a great choice.

Knowing how to spot the early signs that your dog is gaining weight, and taking action quickly, will mean you can help to keep your dog at a healthy weight, and reduce their risk of developing or aggravating health conditions. Much like humans, weight gain in our pooches doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s really important to check them regularly to make sure the pounds aren’t starting to creep on.

1. No visible waist: When you look at your dog from above, you should be able to see an hourglass shape; when dogs gain weight, this shape will start to disappear as the waist becomes wider and straighter. This is one of the earlier signs.

2. Can’t feel ribs: It is perfectly normal to feel your dog’s ribs, and it’s only when you can see them easily that there may be a chance your dog is underweight. Run your hands along the sides of their chest and feel for their ribs; you shouldn’t need to dig your fingers in to find them.

3. Lack of energy: Noticing a lack of interest in going for walks or playing with their toys is an important sign of weight gain. When dogs are overweight, the sofa becomes much more appealing. Suppose they already have an underlying condition, whether known or not known – in that case, extra weight can put added pressure on their joints and body systems, aggravating pre-existing conditions or bringing on something new (and unwanted).

4. No longer climbing the stairs with ease: If you’re used to being followed around the house but no longer hear the pitter patter of your dog ascending the stairs then maybe their added weight gain is putting them off.