Ex-clubbers of all ages responded in their hundreds when we asked them for their memories of Oldham's nightlife.

In a post on Facebook, The Oldham Times asked for readers' opinions on what was the best nightclub in the town back in the day.

With more than 1,000 comments on the post, it was almost impossible to determine a winner.

But what was clear was the fondness with which almost all our readers remembered the town's nightlife.

Cat's Whiskers

One nightclub which came up on multiple occasions was Cat's Whiskers on Union Street, where the Oldham Jobcentre now stands.

Paul Dixon said: "Cat's Whiskers, 35p for a pint of lager, brilliant music and crowd. I don't have a clue about how I made it to work, but I always did!"

Thomas Oneill added: "Cat's Whiskers, loved the place, remember it well. I had some great times there."


Another was Dreamers on Yorkshire Street, a club above a restaurant which was closed in 2000 before it was demolished in 2015.

Readers had a number of different of reasons to remember it, from the romantic to the not so romantic.

Louise Thorp said: "Definitely Dreamers, it's where I met my husband."

And David Window commented: "Dreamers for strippers and getting your head kicked in by bouncers."

Flintstone's Cave and Henry Africa's

Flintstone's Cave came up a lot in the comments, as did Henry Africa's.

Readers' reasons for these choices were all along similar lines, with friends and the cost of drinks at the top of the list of priorities.

Warren Mathieson said: "Flintstone's was my favourite. All my mates were in there every Saturday night."

Jo Rutter commented: Henry Africa's, 50p in and 50p a drink... great memories of leaving wasted on blastaways for less than a £10."

Romeo and Juliet's

Then there was Romeo and Juliet's, or R&J's, also on Union Street.

Anita Ramsdale said: "Romeo and Juliet's. I had some fantastic nights in there."

If you've photos or memories of nightclubs in Oldham you'd like to share, email editorial@theoldhamtimes.co.uk.