A lovingly handcrafted banner which illustrates the poignant story of the Saddleworth 2020 coronavirus lockdown has featured in an exhibition at Lees Library on Friday and Saturday.

The exhibition was curated by Louis Forrestal and features art works that people have made during Lockdown.

Created by Janet Iles from Kilngreen Church, Saddleworth, the banner contains 42 squares, each one tells a different story of someone’s experience during lockdown.

The Oldham Times:

Many people from the churches in the Saddleworth team created squares, plus members of Diggle All Stars Theatre Group and the Piecemakers Community Quilting Group from Delph.

Most of the participants sent comments to accompany their squares and these are available in a booklet to read alongside the banner.

Janet said: “I hope these words and images will serve as a memory of the unusual and unprecedented time we lived through during the Pandemic and will leave a lasting impression on all who see them.”

Saddleworth Team Rector, Sharon Jones said “Living through Covid, forty two squares - Forty two stories from across Saddleworth.

"An historic banner to inform generations to come.

“The title of the banner Nothing Can separate us from the love of God’ is an expression of hope and faith in challenging times, and of faith in God who comforts and strengthens us.”

Contributors used various mediums to create their square – painting, embroidery, knitting, tatting, poetry and appliqué.

Some reflected emotional accounts of grief, the pain of separation, restrictions and anxieties, mingled with the beauty of spring and the privilege of living somewhere beautiful.

The banner has been making a tour of the Churches in Saddleworth in recent months and has already visited St Chad’s, Kilngreen Church, St. Mary’s Greenfield and St. Thomas at Delph.