Foster carer allowances in Oldham will be uplifted above the National Recommended Fostering Allowance to support carers during the cost of living crisis.

The increase was announced on Friday, June 17 at a foster carer celebration event run by Oldham Council and will see the allowance for carers go up by four per cent.

Other measures to help foster carers during the crisis include new mileage rates, a one-off payment and future reviews of allowances.

Cllr Eddie Moores, Cabinet member for children and young people, explained: "I’m proud that we can make these changes to help foster carers in light of the cost of living crisis.

"Not only are we making sure all of our carers are at the National Minimum Standard, but we’re also increasing all rates by four per cent so we can help support the vital work they do."

The announcement of the allowance increase also confirmed that mileage rates for foster carers are being increased to 45p per mile and there will be a £250 one-off payment given to each fostering household.

The council also committed to reviewing Skills Payments and a further review of allowances in Autumn 2022 as the cost of living situation develops.

Cllr Moores added: "It’s a hard time for many people right now with costs going up and in many cases wages not matching that increase.

"We highly value our foster carers at Oldham Council so being able to support them as best we can is our priority.

"We’ve committed to reviewing further payments later in the year so we can continue to do everything we can to assist them."

Foster carers in Oldham care for a local child or young person, so they can continue to live in Oldham, close to their friends and school.

Carers receive pay allowances, training and support to help them on their fostering journey.