Beever Primary School’s headteacher has responded to an Ofsted report which showed a massive turnaround for the school.

In 2018, inspectors rated the school as requiring improvement.

However, the school has now been rated as ‘good.’

Ofsted inspectors Steve Bentham and Joan Williamson noted that all the teaching staff at the school had been appointed subsequently to the previous inspection.

A redesigned curriculum and the prioritisation of pupils’ reading ability were both praised by inspectors – and pupils were said to be happy at the school, demonstrating positive attitudes.

Responding to the good news, Greg Oates, Beever Primary School’s headteacher, said: “The inspection report validates the changes and new approaches adopted by the school since our last inspection and recognises the caring and supportive environment the children learn in.

“I would like to thank parents who have been so supportive of the school in the last few years and promise that we will continue to endeavour to improve the provision at Beever and ensure that it remains a school that the community can be proud to be a part of.”