The number of domestic abuse reports in Greater Manchester have 'increased significantly' in the last year, according to police.

Arrests for domestic abuse offences have also risen and Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPNs) are also up.

Detective Chief Superintendent Michaela Kerr, Greater Manchester Police’s head of Public Protection, said: “In the last 12 months, there has been a 12 per cent increase in domestic abuse calls that required a grade 1 response, meaning that GMP officers have attended around 23,000 domestic abuse incidents where immediate threat was identified.

"Of those, over 19,000 were attended within 15 minutes and immediate police assistance provided.

“The number of domestic abuse reports in Greater Manchester has increased significantly, which demonstrates a renewed confidence and trust in GMP from victims coming forward, confident that we will take positive action to arrest offenders and maximise victim safety and safeguarding.

“Over the past 12 months, we have arrested more than 15,000 domestic abuse perpetrators.

"This is an increase of 80 per cent on the same period between October 2020 and 2021 and continues to increase month on month, with the force having arrested over 1500 offenders in September alone this year.

"DVPNs are also up from 51 to 124 per month - a 140 per cent increase compared to two years ago.

“GMP is also recording more rape reports, around nine per cent, further evidence that the public trusts the force to investigate this horrific offence in the knowledge that positive action will be taken.”

GMP has successfully applied for funding under Project Soteria to implement the best practice and ways of working with victims of rape and serious sexual assault offences, and more than 4,000 officers will shortly be receiving the nationally acclaimed ‘DA Matters’ training.

In October 2021, a Dedicated Child Protection and Investigation Team was created in every district to investigate and protect children from abuse, whether sexual or violent and each victim now gets a response from a specially trained officer.

The teams also work with local partners to tackle child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation and county lines exploitation.