Oldham's fleet of gritters are readying themselves for frontline action with temperatures set to drop- including a unit named after hometown star Nick Grimshaw.

Gritters named Snowbee One Kenobi, Basil Salty, Brad Grit and Nicole Saltslinger are part of the borough's "celebrity" fleet as well as "Nick Gritshaw".

The Oldham Times: The gritter, 'Nick Gritshaw'The gritter, 'Nick Gritshaw' (Image: Public)

Earlier this month, Grimshaw, 38, told BBC Radio Manchester he wanted to ride a gritter named after him.

Speaking to host Anna Jameson, the former BBC Radio 1 DJ said: "When I come up at Christmas, I want to go on the gritter."

Nick Grimshaw says he is 'well up' for riding gritter named after him

The Oldham Times: Nick GrimshawNick Grimshaw (Image: Public)

The council say their mission to keep the borough moving and residents healthy over the winter months are well underway, and teams are in place to hit the road to tackle ice, sleet, flooding and snow. 

Forecasts and road conditions are constantly monitored with teams ready to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

Overnight on Sunday the highways team pre-gritted all primary routes.

When temperatures fall and snow or ice is forecast, gritting teams carry out precautionary gritting and snow clearing, with ploughs fitted to all vehicles when necessary.

Grit stocks, systems and services are all in place to meet the challenge.

The Oldham Times: Council grittersCouncil gritters (Image: Public)

The Oldham Times: Two of the fleet's grittersTwo of the fleet's gritters (Image: Public)

Council leader, Cllr Amanda Chadderton, said: “We have contingency plans in place for every foreseeable eventuality, including heavy snowfall.

“As in previous years we bought our grit supply earlier in the year when prices were lower – providing value for money for residents.

“As far as reasonably possible, we will keep the primary highway network free of ice and snow at all times in order to help ensure a safe journey for travellers and residents.”

She added: “At this time of year our thoughts should also turn to making sure we are fit and healthy so we can look after ourselves and also our families, friends and neighbours.”

To keep residents informed of any winter developments the council’s website - http://www.oldham.gov.uk/winter - will be updated continually. 

It will feature the latest news on school closures, gritting routes, locations of grit bins and grit sales.

The council's First Response service will use its Twitter account @oldhamalert to inform followers of school and road closures or incidents.

These will also be retweeted for residents using the council’s account @oldhamcouncil and updates will appear via the local media.

Schools also have a text messaging system to inform parents if they are closing for the day.