A group which works to challenge isolation and loneliness amongst older members of the community has celebrated its first Christmas party.

The 'coffee and chat' club, formed in March 2022 by pals, Diane Andrews and Anne Thompson, was created to connect with vulnerable and elderly people in Oldham who had become isolated during the pandemic.

In July, Ms Andrews told The Oldham Times that the pair conceived the idea of a coffee and chat group after recognising older members of the community "needed some TLC".

“There are no social connections there like there once was.

“We felt that social interaction would help their mental and physical wellbeing as many had not been out of the house since lockdown", she added.

READ MORE: 'Coffee and chat' club to ease elderly loneliness takes off

The club now sees up to 30 local residents from Woodhouses and Failsworth regularly meet at the Woodhouses Cricket Club every Wednesday from 10am and 12pm.

Ms Andrews said: “Everyone loves it and enjoys the company and the exercise.

“Some of our members have said that they had not been anywhere for ages after the pandemic, and we can see how much our little group has enhanced their mental and physical wellbeing."

However, the group does much more than eat cake and chatter as it invites speakers, such as police liaison officers, and schedules day trips and activities such as 'sit down yoga' to educate and improve health and mobility.

The club also celebrated its first Christmas party on the weekend which saw live entertainment by a singer and local resident, Victor Michael, who performed for the group for free.

The non-profit group relies on grants and charitable donations to help fund its activities.

Ms Andrews said: "Thanks to charitable donations from local groups, we are now able to give treats, like this Christmas party, to our members.

"We were thrilled to be entertained at the party by the wonderful voice of Victor whose singing was the icing on the cake of a very enjoyable event."