An Eid in the Park celebration is set to be held in Oldham next month. 

SK Foundation, an organisation that runs charity and community events and projects in Oldham, is hosting Eid in the Park (Oldham) at Berries Field Park behind Garforth Street in Chadderton.

The playing fields will be taken over by Eid prayers, stalls, and games for the event, with food and drink also available.

The one-day festival is open to all and will be held on either Friday, April 21, or Saturday, April 22 depending on the moon sighting.

Eid does not fall on the same day every year. Instead, Eid and the period of Ramadan are both determined by a new moon, as Islam follows the lunar calendar.

Posting on Facebook, the event’s organiser’s SK Foundation said: “Following the Jamaat, there will be a variety of stalls and fun activities for you and your family to explore and enjoy In Sha Allah.”

More information is set to be released in the coming weeks.

Eid marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims are encouraged to engage in dawn-to-dusk fasting for the month.

The day begins with a morning prayer and is then followed by family and friends coming together to eat.

Loved ones often give each other gifts and people dress in smart clothes for the occasion.

For more information on Eid in the Park (Oldham) contact the event’s organisers Hamid Ali on 07545295756 or Abdul Rahim on 07519048410.