A holiday club for children in Oldham is celebrating receiving a 'glowing' report from Ofsted in its first inspection.

Diggle Holiday Club, which sits in Diggle School on Sam Road, has been looking after children aged four to 11 during the school holidays since it opened three years ago.

While only education settings receive a graded report by Oftsed, an inspector assessed the premises in May to determine whether the club 'met' expectations and the standards required to safely look after children.

In her report published this month, inspector Kelly Little had plenty of praise about the club which bosses said they were "over the moon" with.

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Ms Little said children "arrive excitedly" when they arrive at and "play cooperatively" during age-appropriate activities.

Throughout the day, there is "frequent conversation and delightful laughter" from children as they play and the youngsters "positively initiate conversation" with visitors which, Ms Little said, shows the youngsters have high levels of confidence and self-esteem.

The games staged throughout the day at the club, such as a scavenger hunt, further help the children to develop good problem-solving skills as older children suggest working in pairs with younger ones to help them.

Many of the children like creating things at the club and they work together to make fairy wands and elf houses from natural resources they have collected, Ms Little observed.

Respect and friendliness were another highlight in the Ofsted report as the inspector found the children "listen intently" when others are speaking and "patiently wait their turn".

She added: "Moreover, children recognise each other's emotions and comfort each other when required."

Ms Little said an example of this was seen when children became "frustrated" when making pictures with beads which was then "recognised" by other children who supported and encouraged them.

Older children are also building their independence skills and act as good role models for their younger friends, often assisting them when cutting fruit and buttering toast during snack time.

Ms Little added: "Children are developing resilience and are building confidence."

Meanwhile, the education watchdog found staff have "high expectations" of the children in their care and "know the children well".

There are 10 members of staff at the club which includes two qualified teachers and two team members who hold a level 3 qualification.

As a result, the report said the children's behaviour is "excellent" as they understand what is expected of them, for example, keeping their play space tidy.

When it came to children with SEND, the report said they are "very well supported" at the club as leaders have "exceptionally strong" links with schools, parents and outside agencies.

In addition, the education watchdog said children at the club are building healthy lifestyle habits as they use the large outdoor play area with obstacle courses and play ball games while also learning how to keep themselves safe online and in the event of a fire.

Staff have even completed additional training in physical activity and nutrition to support this further.

Ms Little said parents are also happy with the club, reporting "excellent" care and the detailed communication they receive from "friendly and knowledgable" staff.

In a post on social media, leaders at Diggle Holiday Club said they are "over the moon" with its "first glowing Ofsted inspection report".

The post continued: "We can finally announce that we achieved 'met', with no recommendations for improvement from the inspection.

"We would like to thank you all for all your support over the past three years.

"Here's to many more."

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