An Oldham-based social enterprise has launched a partnership to try and help young people in the borough get important skills and knowledge as they look for jobs.

Upturn Social Enterprise has partnered with the Springboard Project, which is part of The New Bridge Multi Academy Trust.

The partnership will look to ensure that every young person who attends the 'Project' gets access to high-quality careers advice and guidance to help them develop the skills, knowledge and experience needed to gain employment opportunities.

The Springboard Project, under the umbrella of The New Bridge Multi Academy Trust, works with young people aged 14 – 19 who have had unsuccessful experiences of education in the past and who have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The organisation delivers education and support services to individuals with special educational needs and disabilities and are dedicated to inclusivity and fostering a sense of belonging.

Maria Williams, Co-Founder of Upturn, said: “As part of this partnership, we will be supporting young people across Oldham, providing them with skills, knowledge and careers advice and guidance which will include vital work experience, employment and life skills.

“Upturn Enterprise is determined and committed to making a difference and changing life’s young people’s lives of Oldham for the better. This partnership is the perfect demonstration of how we want to work with other local employers to create pathways to deliver our goals.”

Upturn looks to empower people from marginalized communities by providing them with tools, resources, and opportunities for personal and professional growth. 

Andy Howard, Executive Head at New Bridge Group says: “This initiative will ensure that every young person who attends Springboard Project will have the best chance possible to gain a real understanding of future career opportunities & by partnering with Upturn, we are championing local knowledge and local opportunities, helping to keep Oldham young people in local employment.

“We also believe that we cannot support our young people in isolation, and so always look for innovative ways to support our wider community, the young people’s families. This can be through offering a friendly ear / support to the adults around our students through to real, practical support via our ‘Project Pantry’, a one-stop option for families struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.”