The father of Oldham teenager Alisha Goup has spoken out in a TV interview about his family's devastation.

The 16-year-old was killed earlier this year by Omar Choudhury, who was driving at more than double the 30mph speed limit, as she walked to college on the adjacent pavement.

Choudhury, 22, and Hamidur Rahman, 24, who was chasing him in the lead up to the crash, were both found guilty of causing death by dangerous driving on August 14, following a trial at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court.

The pair were sentenced to 14 years in prison on Wednesday over her death and following this Alisha's father Bijur Goup gave a TV interview to ITV News.

He said: “Alisha was like the model daughter, not just a model daughter, she was a model human being. Selfless, the nicest person you could know or meet.

“Anybody you talked to will say exactly the same thing. She’s grown up into one of the nicest young persons and she would have been one of the best adults.”

Mr Goup went on to say that Alisha’s death was still playing on his mind ‘24/7’ and that he believed ‘it should have been him [driver Omar Choudhury] that died really’.

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He also spoke about the fact that Alisha’s younger brother read out his own victim impact statement in court.

In court, the 16-year-old’s younger brother said: “[Alisha] was so talented and so smart. She always helped me whenever I was struggling on homework.

“Ever since she has passed away, I always feel lonely. We used to do everything together and she used to always give me sweets. She was always there for me but now I am so lonely, I miss her so much every day.

“When I go to bed, I keep thinking about all the fun times we had together, I wish we could have those fun times again. I cry a lot in bed when I think about my sister, my best friend. I wish it was me that died and not my sister.

“The day I found out about her passing away, I was devastated and wished I was just having a nightmare. On that day it took me hours for me to stop crying.

“On that day my life changed.”

Dad Bijur said: “He was adamant, he said ‘No dad, I’m reading it for my sister’. He said he felt like a glass has gone through his heart.”

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Later in the interview, he continued: “Other people on the road or any other member of the public didn’t matter to him, he was going to drive that way regardless.

“He even said in court he was going to go to his mum’s house regardless. That’s another mile away. So, if he hadn’t hit my Alisha, he was going to hit somebody on the way.

“First two or three months I couldn’t even speak, I couldn't get a voice out. We’re a very private, close family, we did everything together.

“What we’ve done is, Alisha used to hate mowing the lawn because that was one of her chores, so three or four months after, when we were able to, we got out and thought ‘We’re going to graft and remove the lawn and put some binding gravel down’.

“Obviously she’s probably laughing from above thinking ‘Well, you’ve finally got rid of the lawn’.”