A primary school has been praised after its latest inspection.

Burnley Brow Community School, on Victoria Street, Chadderton, received a "good" rating in a report published on Tuesday, September 19.

Lead inspector David Robinson carried out the inspection and praised the school’s 477 pupils for treating classmates and adults with "thought and consideration".

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School leaders were praised for ensuring the school’s curriculum was ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Teachers in most subjects were praised for building well on learning and for providing pupils with opportunities to revisit prior learning.

However, a small number of subjects were pointed out as needing some improvement, with teachers in these subjects said to not implement the curriculum as leaders intended, meaning some pupils do not achieve as well as they could.

Pupils’ behaviour was also commended, with learning said to be disrupted by poor behaviour "rarely".

Pupils were said to experience opportunities that "prepare them well for life in modern Britain", including understanding democracy, and developing talents and interests such as martial arts, science, and orienteering.

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Headteacher Helen Atkinson-Smith said: “Our recent Ofsted inspection in the last full week of the year was challenging, to say the least.

“However, the children were eager to talk about their school, their learning and how supported they feel by the staff. 

“Ofsted said in the first sentence of the report: ‘Pupils flourish at this welcoming school where everyone feels valued,’ and I agree.

"We are a team in the truest sense of the word and our pupils are part of that team. 

“Our children and families grasp the opportunities that are provided for them, and staff and governors work hard to make our school the thriving, ambitious, community-focused school that it is.”

The latest result means the school has maintained its "good" rating for nearly 10 years, after dropping from "outstanding" in 2014.