Oldham Athletic owner and local businessman Frank Rothwell has completed his final training session as he prepares to row across the Atlantic Ocean.

In December, the 73-year-old will row 3,000-miles across the Atlantic, with the aim of raising £1 million for Alzheimer’s Research UK.

On September 18, Rothwell attended his final session with the boat in Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex.

The boat will now undergo an inspection and checks before it’s shipped to the start line of the World’s Toughest Row at La Gomera in the Canary Islands.

This will be the second time Rothwell has taken on this challenge – which will see him row from the Canary Islands to Antigua in the Caribbean.

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The last time he did this for the UK’s leading dementia research charity in 2021, he raised more than £1.1m.

This time, Mr Rothwell has named his boat ‘For A Cure’ to reflect the charity’s mission, to find a cure for dementia, something personally important to him.

During his previous race in 2021, he received the news that his brother-in-law, Roger, had died with Alzheimer’s at the age of 62 and earlier this year, Mr Rothwell lost his best friend to the disease.

Mr Rothwell said: "My session at Burnham-on-Crouch was the last time I’ll be in the boat before the team run their safety checks and prepare it for shipping to La Gomera. I’m excited and looking forward to setting off in December in my boat, For A Cure.

"Thank you to everyone who has sent me messages of support and donated so far. I can’t believe how much money has already been raised – and I haven’t even set off yet. 

"I’m also incredibly grateful to Iceland Foods Charitable Foundation for their pledge of match-funding the first £100,000 of donations made to my JustGiving page. It means so much to me and Alzheimer’s Research UK and their mission to find a cure for dementia."

Lucy Squance, director at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: "We are in ‘oar’ of Frank and incredibly grateful to see he's taking on this challenge for Alzheimer's Research UK for the second time, all at the age of 73. 

"Rowing solo across 3,000-miles of the Atlantic is a daunting feat for anyone. However, Frank's enthusiasm and boundless energy is an inspiration to us all, encouraging us to live our lives without regrets.

"If nothing changes, one in two of us will be directly affected by dementia - either by caring for someone with the condition, developing it ourselves, or both. The £1 million that Frank aims to raise will be transformational in our search for a cure. “

"We wish Frank the best of luck and can’t wait to share his updates from across the sea."

To donate to Mr Rothwell's fundraising for Alzheimer’s Research UK, click here.