A once “run-down old man’s pub” is thriving after undergoing a makeover.

The Church Inn on Bardsley Street has been transformed by landlady Rachel Morris since she took over in December 2019, and has now built the freehouse into the heart of the community.

After surviving Covid, Rachel decided that it was time for the Waterhead pub to undergo a revamp – one that took place in March and was completed in May.

The Oldham Times: Rachel Morris pouring a pint in her newly revamped barRachel Morris pouring a pint in her newly revamped bar (Image: Joe Yates, Newsquest)

Speaking of her successes as a first-time landlady, she said: “It’s been quite a journey, it’s been good. It is challenging but we’ve put a lot of had-work into it, especially with the revamp.

“Everyone is enjoying it coming here now, the place just looks loads better especially compared to how it used to look.”

Previously, punters entering the Church Inn through its Howard Street access, would be met with with walls either side of the entrance with doorways to each room, Rachel’s son Travis Thornley explained.

The Oldham Times: Newly revamped Church Inn, WaterheadNewly revamped Church Inn, Waterhead (Image: Joe Yates, Newsquest)

Now, the Rachel has opened up the pub by knocking the walls down, including the wall that separated the bar.

She said: “The idea behind knocking it through is that everyone can see each other and talk to each other – it’s more open.

"We revamped the bar, got Sky and BT so we can play all the football, and we now also have karaoke on a Friday and a band, or singer, on the Sunday.

The Oldham Times: Newly revamped Church Inn, WaterheadNewly revamped Church Inn, Waterhead (Image: Joe Yates, Newsquest)

“I want all the community to use our pub! We’re home to a darts, crib and dominoes team, three pool teams, an Oldham quiz league plays here every Wednesday, and we’ve even got a football team - I’m now looking at holding coffee and cake mornings for the elderly too.”

Travis, 23, who works at the pub and has helped his mum throughout, manages the football team, Church Inn FC, which his friends play in.

Speaking about the transformation, he said: “Before it was a run down old man’s pub, the walls were maroon and cream and it just didn’t look nice. So, me and my girlfriend painted all the walls.

The Oldham Times: Rachel Morris with sons Nathan Kenworthy (left) and Travis ThornleyRachel Morris with sons Nathan Kenworthy (left) and Travis Thornley (Image: Joe Yates, Newsquest)

“It looks good, it’s been a hell of a lot of work, but it looks miles better than it did beforehand. Since mum took over, we’ve got five times more work.”

Rachel said her success has come from her loyal team and children, including her 34-year-old son Nathan Kenworthy, who added: “I’m really proud of my mum because it’s a massive change and it looks amazing.”

Has your business or home undergone a transformation, or have you got a story? I cover every aspect of journalism, email me your story at joe.yates@newsquest.co.uk or direct message me on Twitter @JMYjourno