Plans to build 16 new affordable homes in Oldham have been approved.

The three-bedroom houses will be built near the Northern Roots site on vacant land in between Belgrave Road and allotments in Hathershaw.

The land in question is currently locked with alleygates and is "generally overgrown" according to an application report prepared by Oldham Council planning officer Sophie Leech.

She said the affordable homes would "meet the needs" of the area.

Several comments were left online by nearby residents who objected to the plans, which mentioned a loss of privacy for residents of Belgrave Road and highway concerns.

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One commenter, who lives on Belgrave Road, said they were worried about the houses overlooking their back garden and that they would suffer a loss of light.

In Ms Leech's application report, she said there was "sufficient" distance between the new proposed homes and the existing ones on Belgrave Road so that their privacy and light would not be infringed upon.

Commenters also shared concerns over highway issues, with one commenter, a resident of Thatcher Street, saying: "Honeywell Lane at the bend is already a dangerous area without an extra entrance exit added on."

However, the Highways Engineer had no objections to the plans.

No open space will be provided within the site of the development, however it will be based close to Alexandra Park and Northern Roots.

The homes, which will be accessed via Honeywell Lane and Thatcher Street, will be made up of traditional terraced housing and will be two storeys in height.

In her concluding remarks, Ms Leech said the new development of the homes "would not be an undue and dominant addition to the site".