Dozens of new homes could be built on green land near the M60 motorway in Oldham after plans were submitted.

Jones Homes North West has lodged an application to develop 41 houses, including four affordable homes, on land in Woodhouses, Failsworth.

The site lies south of Ashton Road and west of the M60 and measures 1.55 hectares, or 3.82 acres.

According to a planning statement, the houses would be a mix of three and four-bedroom properties as well as a mix of detached and semi-detached.

The Oldham Times: An aerial view with the proposed site outlinedAn aerial view with the proposed site outlined (Image: Jenny Wetton Conservation)

Each road would have two off-road parking spaces, while some properties would have a garage, with electric charging points provided for all homes.

The houses would be primarily constructed with red bricks and grey roof tiles and each property would have a private rear garden.

In terms of noise, given the fact the properties would be near the motorway, the planning document says a noise assessment was carried out and concluded that the site is predominately of medium to low noise risk during the day and night times.

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The greatest noise risk, which is close to the boundary with the M60, exists at night and a glazing and ventilation strategy has been proposed to provide suitable internal sound levels.

The planning document states that the development of the houses would not be inappropriate in the context of the Green Belt as "no new buildings are to be constructed".

It is argued that the parts of the proposal that fall within Green Belt land are "engineering operations", which it claims are appropriate subject to the openness of the Green Belt being preserved.

The Oldham Times: A sketch of the developed siteA sketch of the developed site (Image: Jones Homes)

In terms of the affordable housing, national guidance requires at least 7.5 per cent of all housing developments of 15 properties or above to be made affordable, which Jones Homes says it has done by making nearly 10 per cent of the proposed homes affordable.

The document suggests that the Woodhouses area could withstand the increase in population, with Woodhouses having a primary school; church; two public houses; a working men's club; and recreational facilities including cricket and golf clubs.

It adds that there are four GP practices within three kilometres of the proposed site and that NHS websites indicate they are all accepting patients.