A yellow warning of heavy rain and possible flooding has been put in place in Oldham for more than 24 hours.

The Met Office have issued yellow weather warning, which will begin just after midnight tonight and end at 6am on Thursday (May 23).

It has been warned that the persistent heavy rain poses a flooding risk and disruption to travel.

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The forecasters say flooding to a few homes and businesses is possible and delays to bus and train services are "possible".

Oldhamers can expect the following:

  • Some communities may be cut off by flooded roads
  • Spray and flooding could lead to difficult driving conditions and some road closures
  • Homes and businesses could be flooded, causing damage to some buildings
  • Fast flowing or deep floodwater is possible, causing a danger to life
  • Delays or cancellations to train and bus services are possible

The Met Office said many places will see 30-40mm of rain, while a few areas may receive 60-80 mm.

It added that there is a small chance that a few upland areas could see as much rain as 100-150 mm, although "there is a lot of uncertainty over exactly where the heaviest rain will occur".

The weather service said the warning is likely to be updated.

The area of rain is set to develop across eastern and central England and then move towards the North West.

It is possible that the area of rain could become slow moving, heavy and persistent, especially over north facing hills, before clearing during Thursday morning.