Six new homes are set to be built in Oldham on a vacant plot of land after plans were approved.

In March, a proposal was submitted to develop the six houses on the site off Lynn Street in Werneth, across the road from where dozens of houses are currently being developed.

Now, permission has been given to build the six detached homes.

The homes will have varying designs, with some set to be two storeys in height while others will be two-and-a-half storeys in height.

Plans do indicate that each home will have a kitchen, dining room and living room, as well as six bedrooms.

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According to an application report prepared by Oldham Council planning officer Emma Breheny, the homes will be based in an "accessible location", with a nursery, shops and bus stops all within walking distance.

The designs of the homes will be "in keeping" with the area according to Ms Breheny, who added the homes would not be an "undue and dominant" addition to the site where 37 homes are currently being developed.

She added that the amenity of the neighbours would "not be impacted to unacceptable levels" and recommended for the plans to be approved.

Permission was formally granted on Thursday, May 16.