An alleged recording of a private meeting involving Oldham councillors and politicians is being investigated, the council has said.

Earlier this week, audio recordings of a meeting between leader of Oldham Council, Arooj Shah, and other Oldham politicians were shared on social media.

Now, the council has confirmed it is aware of the recordings and an investigation into the circumstances has been opened.

A spokesperson for Oldham Council said: "Audio footage understood to be from a meeting held by the Leader of the Council with council officers and other politicians was shared widely on social media overnight (Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 May).

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"The Council is now undertaking a full investigation into the circumstances of this recording, including reviewing CCTV footage. This will consider any legal implications.

"Group leaders of the main parties have been briefed by the Chief Executive.

"We will provide updates on further actions in the near future."

A spokesperson for Oldham Labour said: "Whilst the investigation continues, we demand the immediate suspension of all involved from the Liberal Democrat Group.

"Those responsible should resign from whatever political roles they hold and consider whether they are fit to hold public office as borough councillors.

"Anyone who covertly records private and confidential meetings or conversations undermines the core principles of honesty and integrity essential in public office.

"Serious questions must be asked who in the Liberal Democrats sanctioned this illicit and potentially illegal behaviour and who else was complicit."

A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats said that the group did not wish to comment on the matter as it was under investigation.