A man who stubbed a cigarette on his partner's face during a period of harassment and physical abuse has been jailed.

 James Maggs appeared at Bolton Crown Court to be sentenced for using threatening words to cause harassment, two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, criminal damage, perverting the course of justice and intentional strangulation.

Prosecuting counsel Tim Ashmole told the court that after meeting on a dating app and beginning a relationship, Maggs became abusive to his partner between July and November last year.

Maggs, of Ridgefield Street, Failsworth, was drunk when he assaulted his victim and broke her phone in September 2023, throwing it to the ground and stamping on it.

During this incident, the 35-year-old headbutted the woman, strangled her and bit her face.

She was left with a black eye.

In November, Maggs continued making threats to the woman, telling her that if the police ever came through her door, he would chop her dog's head off.

That same month, Maggs stubbed a lit cigarette on the cheek and eye of his victim, grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the ground.

While she was in the toilet recovering from the first attack, he went in and strangled her once again.

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The following morning, the woman texted a friend and asked them to call the police, who attended the scene and arrested Maggs.

Ciaran Rankin, defending Maggs, told the court that the defendant had mental health issues, such as ADHD and bipolar disorder, and that he had a tendency to "lose control" when on drugs or alcohol.

He added that the relationship had been "toxic" from the early stages and that Maggs wished to express his remorse to the victim.

When passing sentence, Judge Nicholas Clarke KC said Maggs' victim had been left "utterly broken" by his behaviour, which left her unable to continue her job and scared to leave the house.

Judge Clarke added that Maggs had a history of similar behaviour with a previous partner.

He sentenced Maggs on Tuesday (May 21) to four years and five months in prison, at least half of which he will have to serve before he can be released on licence.

Judge Clarke also imposed an indefinite restraining order, prohibiting Maggs from contacting his victim in any way.