The following cases all relate to people from Oldham who have assaulted emergency workers and have been before the courts in recent weeks.

A woman who assaulted four NHS workers over the course of two weeks has been sentenced.

Stephanie Vowles, of Repton Avenue, Oldham, assaulted all four of her victims in Warrington between December 28 last year and January 10.

In total, the 28-year-old assaulted three women and one man, who were all acting in the exercise of their functions as emergency workers.

On May 20, Vowles appeared at Warrington Magistrates' Court where she pleaded guilty to all four offences.

She was ordered to pay £100 in compensation to each of the four victims.

A man who assaulted an emergency worker while he was being held in custody has appeared before the courts.

Craig Jordan, of Daisy Hill Court, Waterhead, was being held in police custody at Ashton-under-Lyne Police Station on August 17 last year when he assaulted a female custody detention officer.

At Tameside Magistrates' Court on May 17, the 52-year-old pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and displaying any writing, sign or other visible representation which was threatening or abusive within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress.

For the assault, Jordan was ordered to pay a fine of £180, a victim surcharge of £80 and further costs of £85.

He was also made to pay a fine of £20 for the offensive display, bringing his total costs to £365.

An Oldham woman has been sentenced for assaulting a police officer.

Barbara Kendall, of Lily Street, Oldham, assaulted the female police officer in Oldham on March 4.

The 29-year-old pleaded guilty to the offence on April 11 before she was sentenced at Tameside Magistrates' Court on May 16.

Kendall was handed a community order, requiring her to abstain from consuming alcohol for 90 days, during which time she will be monitored.

She must also attend 15 days of rehabilitation activity requirement and was made to pay a fine of £120, a victim surcharge of £114 and further costs of £85, bringing her total costs to £319.