A proposal to build a house near Green Belt land and Grade II listed buildings has been rejected despite planning committee members being recommended to approve it.

On Wednesday (May 5), Oldham Council's planning committee met to discuss plans to build a four-bedroom house on land off Stockport Road in Lydgate.

Following a tense discussion, members of the committee decided to reject the plans.

Three previous applications have been submitted to build the home, all of which have been rejected, however, on this occasion, the plans were recommended for approval.

The site lies near to St Anne's Church and the White Hart Inn, both of which are Grade II listed buildings, with the site also being just 45 metres north of the Lydgate Conservation Area and near Green Belt land.

The Oldham Times: The land where the house would be built, with St Anne's Church in the backgroundThe land where the house would be built, with St Anne's Church in the background (Image: Google Maps)

The previous applications were rejected on grounds of impact on the Green Belt and potential harm to the Lydgate Conservation Area, however the latest proposal shows the property would not infringe on Green Belt land.

Speaking at the meeting was Jennifer Greenwood, chair of Lovely Gate, a local community group, and on behalf of the White Hart Inn.

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She addressed planning officers and councillors by saying "instead of looking down with your tape measure, look up", implying the development would be detrimental to the landscape of the area.

She added: "Just one house would harm views of buildings that are so special they've been given Grade II listed status." 

Multiple members of the committee mentioned that the previous applications had been rejected due to infringement on the Green Belt, but Head of Planning for the council insisted the latest proposal would not see any part of the property developed on Green Belt land.

Despite Mr Richards saying the plans were acceptable, the plans which were recommended for approval were unanimously rejected by members of the committee, due in large part to the impact it would have on the scenery and heritage of the area.