A building near Oldham town centre providing temporary accommodation to young adults is set to be developed after plans were approved.

At the meeting of Oldham Council's planning committee last week, members decided on the plans for the new unit on brownfield land off Foundry Street and adjacent to Oldham Way.

They heard the building will have 15 one-bedroom apartments which would be accommodated by young people at risk of experiencing homelessness and in need of care and support.

Each of the 15 units would have a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and lounge area, while there would also be communal areas on the ground floor.

The Oldham Times: The design of the accommodation unitThe design of the accommodation unit (Image: DK-Architects)

Speaking on behalf of the developer Jigsaw Homes at the meeting on Wednesday (June 5), Nicole Rowe said the development would be aimed at people between 18 and 25 who are leaving the care system and "require a stepping stone towards independent living".

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Ms Rowe also told the committee that the scheme would be developed by Jigsaw Homes before being managed by Jigsaw Support and that it should be ready for occupation by autumn next year.

The westerly section of the building will be two storeys, providing 15 self-contained, one-bedroom living units and an associated office.

Meanwhile, the easterly one-storey section will include ancillary accommodation as well as two communal areas, cycle and waste bin storage, and a plant room.

Four parking spaces will be made available for staff at the site.

The Oldham Times: The site where the accommodation will be builtThe site where the accommodation will be built (Image: DK-Architects)

A condition of the approval is that a detailed ventilation strategy allowing bedrooms and living rooms to be occupied without the need for windows to be open must be approved before the development to take place.

This is due to the site's proximity to Oldham Way, causing concerns regarding pollution.

An acoustic boundary fence was also suggested in an application report which recommended the proposal be approved.

The application was unanimously approved.