There has been a bitter backlash to callous thieves who stole garden furniture in a double attack on an Oldham nursing home.

The garden furniture was stolen from the front of the Alexandra Nursing Home, which is based in a 19th century Victorian building on Queens Road – Alexandra Park, less than half a mile from Oldham town centre.

The unwelcome raids took place over two days last week and, talking to the Oldham Times, Vickie Vickie Crossley, the homes Activities Coordinator, said: ”Our garden furniture was located in the front garden. And we’d had it for one year to the date it was actually stolen.

“We had two sets with parasols that sat into the tables — so this was two tables, eight chairs and two parasols.

“The furniture was stolen from the front garden last Thursday evening."

She added: “One of our residents, aged 92, alerted a member of staff to the furniture being taken. And one of our carers attempted to chase a man who was carrying one of the tables.

“The thieves left behind the glass parts to the tables in the front garden. They then returned to the home Friday morning and picked them up.

“The same resident alerted staff about this but they had already gone by the time that staff went to the front garden.”

Vickie went on: ”Stealing is wrong and unacceptable on any level, but to steal from a nursing home takes this to a whole new level. We feel sickened by this and our residents are upset.

“We have to fundraise to purchase items for both of our gardens at the home for our residents to use. We have all been affected by this incident.

“Our residents and relatives enjoyed sitting in the front garden together using the furniture, and enjoying the beautiful view of Alexandra Park. We feel this benefited our residents mental health.

“We spent a lot of time together in the front garden and our residents were over the moon with the furniture sets,” she added.

There has been an angry response to the thefts on social media with one kind-hearted businessman offering to install free CCTV at the home.

The thefts have been reported to GMP.