The following planning applications submitted to Oldham Council have been validated in the week commencing Monday, August 5.

Discharge of condition 4 (BNG) relating to application FUL/352158/23 - Foundry Street, Oldham, OL8 1FR - Reference Number: CND/353257/24

Part change of use from a industrial/storage unit to a MOT Test Centre & Vehicle Repairs (Use class B2) & installation of new shutters - Star Ironworks, Greenacres Road, Oldham, OL4 2BT - Reference Number: FUL/353232/24

Certificate of lawfulness for proposed replacement of an existing conservatory structure and roof over the existing rear extension with a traditional wall and roof construction - 15 Old Kiln Lane, Grotton, Oldham, OL4 5RZ - Reference Number: CEA/353231/24

Erection of 1 no. dwelling - Land At 423 Park Road, Oldham, OL4 1SQ - Reference Number: FUL/353209/24

Two storey side extension - 17 Spencer Street, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 7JE - Reference Number: HOU/353214/24

Lawful development certificate for change of use proposed use from a residential dwelling (Use class C3a) to a proposed children's home for up to three children, with up to three carers and a manager, with two sleeping overnight working on a rota basis (Use class C2) - 19 Rising Lane, Oldham, OL8 3AN - Reference Number: CEA/353207/24

Discharge of condition no. 5 (Drainage) relating to app no. FUL/351790/23 - Land Opposite Roebuck Low Farm, Roebuck Lane, Strinesdale, Oldham, OL4 3RA - Reference Number: CND/353244/24

Change of use from residential (Use class C3) to retail (Use class E) - 151 Roundthorn Road, Oldham, OL4 1QN - Reference Number: FUL/353180/24

Part two storey part single storey side extension 2) Alterations to the ridge height - 54 Ashworth Street, Failsworth, Oldham, M35 0JG - Reference Number: FUL/353141/24

Change of use from residential dwelling (Use class C3) to children's home with resident warden control (Use class C2) - 24 Ena Street, Oldham, OL1 4HN - Reference Number: FUL/352994/24