After the winds and rain that had engulfed Boundary Park last Tuesday had died down, they were replaced with a huge storm of positivity for the visit of relegation-threatened Woking last Saturday.

A victory was expected to continue the winning streak and further cement our play-off position. What happened was quite the opposite.

The Cards came to OL1 and dealt their hosts a difficult hand with a performance which has become typical of visitors to our home this season; a performance which we regularly haven’t been able to match that once again allowed our less-illustrious opponents to leave with a full house of three points.

Micky Mellon described it as a bad day at the office and that is absolutely true.

Some of the old familiar traits returned with a lack of leadership and game management on the field, where suspended Liam Hogan was undoubtedly a huge miss, and a lack of creativity which meant we could have played until now and still not scored.

It is disappointing that we didn’t manage to achieve the consistency I mentioned last week to extend our winning run in the league.

However, there doesn’t need to be a huge post-mortem on the game. It’s clear where things went wrong and even the best sides in the world have bad days.

We aren’t going to win every game for the rest of the season. Let’s face it, we are still a work in progress and Saturday’s squad had all January’s new signings in it.

What matters now is how we respond. We can forget about this result and performance as long as we follow it up with wins in the next few games.

With only one game in the next fortnight, the televised encounter at Ebbsfleet on Saturday, there is a real opportunity for Mellon and Gary Brabin to get some quality time on the training pitch and continue working on the undoubted improvements since they took charge.

It will also give the new boys the chance to fully settle in and learn what we are all about.

We, of course, owe Ebbsfleet one after they inflicted a heavy defeat on us at home earlier this season so Saturday is a big match for a number of reasons.

We are still the same squad which led to many social media predictions last week, not just from Oldham fans, that we will win the play-offs and Darren Royle has stated that top three is still the aim. Saturday is a chance to prove those predictions correct and keep Bromley and Barnet in our sights.