Darren Royle insists Oldham Athletic will not be working with a reduced budget next season.

Latics will have to cut their cloth in certain areas as they prepare for a third season in the National League.

Notably, there have been significant changes to the way youth development operates with the club no longer receiving funding or protection for player assets after having to relinquish EPPP (Elite Player Performance Plan) academy status.

An alternative youth development programme, which started last year running alongside the academy, will now continue in its place.

But as far as the first team is concerned, Royle says there will be no change to the budget as the club looks to return to the Football League at the third attempt.

After the final game of last season manager Micky Mellon said the squad needed "major surgery" but anticipated the purse strings would be tightened.

"Everybody that's here they've all got another year's contract so it's difficult because everything's pretty much tied up, everything's already been spent on the group that's here and the difficult part and frustrating part is that the group needs a lot of help and we won't have the ability to do anything about that, even with outgoings won't be able to do anything about that, so it's difficult," said Mellon after defeat to Wealdstone at Boundary Park on the final day.

"It's difficult because I think we're even over budget, so we might even have to reduce it somehow. That's what the situation is and we will work very closely with the family and Darren. We've had meetings and we know the way ahead is a lot of hard work, and a lot of talking, and hopefully we can do something."

However, when asked by The Oldham Times whether Mellon would be working with a reduced budget this summer, Royle said: "No. The support financially has been unbelievable from the Rothwell family as owners.

"As a board we want to help the manager to build that team for promotion next year. That's got to be our objective."

Mike Fondop, Dan Gardner, Harrison McGahey and Devarn Green are all out of contract. The Oldham Times understands the door has not been closed to all of them but the quartet have been told of the uncertainty around recruitment and would be free to look for a new club.

Goalkeeper Magnus Norman, midfielders Nathan Sheron and Mark Shelton and captain Liam Hogan are understood to be among the contracted players who manager Mellon has encouraged to find a new club.

Royle added: "It doesn't necessarily depend on players leaving to bring in.

"But the market's not open yet, people are contract to the end of June. I expect it to get busy after that as the EFL will open up then as well."