Luke Rothwell insists his family remains committed to Oldham Athletic, and has described plans for the use of the ground and land attached as "the biggest thing that's happened to the town" for decades.

Since Latics failed to win promotion back to the Football League at the second attempt, leading to the loss of the club's EPPP academy and other financial implications, there have been rumours that the Rothwells are looking to sell the club.

But director Luke says that could not be further from the truth, and instead they are looking to build on the work that they have done over the last two years since their takeover.

Details of the exact nature of proposals are being kept under wraps until they have all be agreed and signed off by the relevant parties. Luke Rothwell hopes that will be as early as next week. But the Rothwells have made no secret of their desire to build a community environment in and around Boundary Park.

The first steps of that have been laid with the girls and women's teams allying with the boys' and men's, while the £1million pitch that was laid last season enabled the return of rugby to OL1, as well as hosting numerous community and charity events over the past 12 months. But that is just the start.

"I think it will be the biggest thing that's happened to the town in my lifetime. I genuinely do," said Luke, 48.

"I probably am more excited now than the day we bought the club. Genuinely.

"I think we are all really excited. The potential is just mushrooming and I can't wait for it to all come together and just get out of this league.

"It's a lot of hard work, a lot of commitment in every sense, while trying to run a business as well. Last Thursday I was at work until 1.30am and back up at 6am because at this moment in time it's really busy at work because of all the festivals and the Isle of Man TT and Glastonbury. But we're loving it."

And it is for that reason, as well as the potential for growth at the club, that the Rothwell family - including Frank Rothwell, his wife Judith, son Luke and daughter Su Schofield - have no intention of walking away from Latics, despite matters on the pitch not going to plan last season.

"We are committed for the long term," said Luke.

"We've got huge plans, which we can do ourselves but it will take longer, which we've no problem with because we're in it for the long term.

"Our business is doing really well so there are no worries there, and in terms of selling... my mum's enjoying it too much so that's not happening!

"We don't want to leave this club, but we will ensure this club becomes self sustainable and we're a long way from achieving that first goal.

"Rumours are just that, just believe what we say."

He added: "When we first started speaking to Simon Blitz, Su and I could feel the opportunity and the opportunity is unbelievable.

"The thing about building houses on here you only get that money once, you don't get something that self sustains it for generations. Our big aim is, within five years, to make this club self sustaining, whichever league that is in."