THREE care workers at an Oldham residential home are under investigation after they were allegedly filmed at a private party on Saturday night, in breach of the Covid lockdown.

Video footage of the party was sent to The Oldham Times over the weekend and after it was forwarded to the company which runs the care home, an inquiry was immediately launched.

The footage is alleged to have been posted on the Snapchat app at the weekend and downloaded by a member of the public who sent it to the paper.

The film, a screenshot of which has been blurred as the investigation is ongoing, shows and identifies by name three members of staff dancing and singing with no social distancing.

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It is understood two other care workers were also present, but were not filmed.

It is the second such investigation at Stoneleigh House.

In May, video footage emerged on social media showing staff dancing on chairs and doing wheelies on a wheelchair and partying at the home.

The video showed staff partying, without social distancing, in the kitchen and communal area of the care home following VE day celebrations.

No residents were present at the time.

The Oldham Times:

Jessica Wilson, support manager for Master Palm Properties Ltd, which runs the care home, said: “If this has happened, it is a very serious offence.

"It will be investigated thoroughly and it will be dealt with accordingly.

"We do not tolerate this sort of behaviour here.”

The person who sent the footage to The Oldham Times, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “It’s absolutely disgusting what they were doing.

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"My auntie has died of Covid and so has my partner’s grandmother.

“We are never going to get back to normal while people working in care homes are going out and doing that.

"They are putting the lives of very vulnerable people at risk by being totally selfish and irresponsible.”

Cllr Zahid Chauhan, Cabinet lead for health and social care for Oldham Council, said: “We are aware of the allegations around Covid breaches by staff employed at the care home.

"As part of our multi-agency safeguarding adults procedures, a strategy meeting is being undertaken today to deal with the issues raised.

"This will involve all key stakeholders and ensure that the risks highlighted are immediately addressed.”